Indoor Air Quality

What Are Indoor Air Quality Monitors?

When you hear the words “air quality,” you probably think of smog, smoke from wildfires, and pollutants from factories and cars. You might not consider indoor air quality. Because most Americans spend at least 90% of their time indoors, indoor air quality makes a big impact on health, comfort, and well-being. A typical Anaheim, CA, home’s air is two to five times more polluted than the outdoor air. Here’s what...

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Efficient Home

How To Make An Old Home More Energy Efficient

While old homes can be charming, they can be very expensive to own because they’re often not very energy efficient. There are several ways to increase the energy efficiency of an old home so it is safe and comfortable while also reducing energy bills. Some of these are inexpensive while others are more sizable investments in your home. Add Insulation Old homes often lack insulation in the basement, walls and...

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What causes indoor air quality problems?

Every living human breathes air. Typically, air contains 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and a mixture of other gases. Although air usually doesn’t contain many pollutants, these contaminants can cause serious health issues. When you think of contaminated air, outdoor pollutants such as car exhaust, factory emissions, and smoke from coal-burning power plants probably come to mind. Although these pollutants are common across the planet, outdoor air isn’t the only air...

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Save Money on Heat This Winter With a Zoning System

Saving money is always among our customers’ top priorities when it comes to heating their homes and places of business. If you are renovating your current HVAC system or considering options to install in a new construction, zone systems are among the most energy-efficient HVAC configurations. in Anaheim, CA, has created this list of seven ways a zoning system can save you money. Zone Systems Consume Less Energy Zoning works...

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3 Reasons to Use a Humidifier During the Winter Flu Season

Influenza, or flu, starts to spread in the Anaheim, CA, area in November. It continues its spread until March, then it dissipates until mid-to late-autumn. Influenza viruses mutate rapidly, which is why you need a flu shot every year and why getting sick with the flu once doesn’t prevent you from getting it again. In addition to getting a flu shot, there are some other ways you can lower your...

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How to Fix Hot Spots in Your Home

Even in homes with functioning central air conditioners, hot spots can happen. For some reason, the cool air moving through the ducts fails to keep an area or specific room as cool as other areas. Many reasons can cause hot spots. Some are easier to remedy than others, but you do not have to simply put up with inconsistent cooling. Solutions exist, but you first need to identify the exact...

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Smart Thermostats: What Does Recovery Mode Mean?

Most modern HVAC systems may offer better performance and energy savings. This is because most of them come with the smart home thermostat. The digital thermostat is specifically designed based on your usage. It has brought many benefits. Here, we will focus on the thermostat’s recovery mode. In case you want help installing or repairing your HVAC system, do not hesitate to contact us. We offer our services to the...

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How Important is Having the Correct Size Cooling System?

When considering what size air conditioner to purchase for your home, you want to buy one that’s the correct size. You don’t want to buy one that’s too big or too small, as doing so will result in negative consequences. How the Right Size of Air Conditioner Is Determined When you decide to have an AC unit installed in your house, a technician from the heating and cooling company will...

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Will Air Conditioning Remove Home Humidity?

Summer has arrived. Along with the warm weather comes the sticky humid air that makes being outdoors so uncomfortable. While some regions in the U.S. enjoy dry summer air, a rainstorm or cloudy day can change that quickly. The problem with humidity is it can follow you indoors. Without the right cooling system installed, being at home can be as uncomfortable as walking down the street. Air conditioners play a...

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Rooftop Air Conditioner vs. A Side-Yard Air Conditioner

There’s nothing quite like coming home after a long day of work to a living room cooled by air conditioning. However, before you can enjoy this luxury, there are a couple of steps of setting it up. First, you need to choose an AC at a store and purchase it. Then, you have to think about installation and the best practices of managing the air conditioner. Let’s focus on that...

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