Small Changes That Can Make a Big Difference

Every month when you walk to the mailbox, do you hesitate because you are afraid of how high your utility bill will be that month? Don’t worry! There are small changes that you can make that will affect your monthly spending in a big way.
We know that there are companies out there that say the only way to save energy is by upgrading to high-efficiency heating and air conditioning equipment. But that is just not true. There are smaller adjustments that can be made without the added cost of installing new, expensive equipment.
Here is a list of small changes that can lower your monthly HVAC expenses:
– Always remember to turn off the lights (especially in rooms that you aren’t using)
– Adjust your thermostat (even by one degree). By raising the temperature in the summer and lowering in the winter, you will see a noticeable difference at the end of the month.
– Check that all vents and registers are open and free of debris. Closing vents can actually put more strain on your system; make sure the air is flowing freely.
– Check that all windows and doors of your home are properly sealed. Even the smallest leak will affect your bill over time.
– Set a reminder to change your furnace filter at the change of each season.
– Switch to high-efficiency light bulbs. You can save up to $100 per year!
– Nix the space heater. Invest in a cozy blanket instead.
– Change the direction of your ceiling fan. It should be clockwise during the winter (forcing warm air down) and counter-clockwise during the summer (pulling warm air up).
– Make sure that your thermostat is set to “AUTO” instead of “ON.” This will ensure that it only turns on when necessary and won’t run throughout the day.
– Use cold water when washing your clothes. Not only will this save energy, but it will ensure that none of your clothes shrink in the wash!
– Shorten your showers. If you really want to see the difference, turn the water on only when you need it and turn it off when you are soaping up.
– Unplug appliances, like televisions, and coffee makers, when you are not using them. Appliances, especially those with clocks, use energy even when they are not turned on.
For more energy saving tips, visit our website. If you have questions about your current system or energy use, give us a call to schedule a maintenance appointment at 800-994-2577.