Bike Week 2014

bike week la, bike week oc, orange county hvac

bike week la, bike week oc, orange county hvacDid you know we are in the middle of Bike Week?  That’s right, May 12 – May 18 is Bike Week this year.  What exactly is Bike Week?  It’s a movement to get people to ride their bike this week instead of driving their car.

You might be thinking, “What does this have to do with HVAC?”  Well, not a whole lot actually.  However, here at Alps we are big fans of saving energy and helping out the environment.  Whether it’s through an energy efficient AC unit or by sealing your ducts to make sure air (and money) aren’t leaking into your attic, we are big advocates of going green in every way we can.  After all, saving money on energy also helps the environment.

Since we are in the middle of Bike Week, AND it’s 100 degrees outside, it’s a perfect time to think about ways to save energy.  You are probably running your AC for most of the day this week, even at night.  By simply turning your thermostat up a few degrees while you are at work can help save you a lot of money.  Even turning your thermostat up by one degree can save you a significant amount of money, especially if you are running it for multiple days.

Additionally, keeping your windows covered during the day can help keep the heat out, making it cooler in your house.

Lastly, if you want to save energy, leave your car at home and ride your bike to work!  Not only will you get a good workout, you will save money on gas and help the environment by cutting down on your energy consumption (and the pollution that goes with it).

So, dust off that bike and take it for a ride.  Whether it’s to work, or just to run a quick errand you would have normally driven your car to, it will help the environment and save you some cash.

If you are interested in knowing how to save money on your energy bill every month, give us a call at 800-994-2577.