Allergy-Proof Your Home

If you suffer from allergies you know that they tend to act up around this time of year when the trees are in bloom and we are spending more time outside. There are also some allergens that might be getting comfortable inside your home as the weather gets warmer and humidity rises. Here are some tips on how to allergy-proof your home and make it the safe and comfortable sanctuary that it should be.
Use Air Conditioning
Keep windows closed and use air conditioning to keep cool, especially if you are allergic to pollen. You want to keep seasonal pollen outside where it belongs. Also, do not use fans to keep cool. Fans kick up dust and other allergens and keep them floating around in the air. Instead, use an air conditioning system that filters out those unwanted particles as it circulates air.
Clean the Filters
During allergy season, the filters in your air conditioning system have to work extra hard to keep up with all of the pollen and other allergens in the air. Visit our other blog post to find out how to keep your filters clean so they can keep the air in your home clean. If you don’t have a filter or are looking to upgrade we can also teach you about choosing the right air filtration system for your home.
Control Humidity
Humidity of around 50% or higher can create the perfect environment for mold and dust mites to thrive. If humidity is high in your home during the summer it is usually easy to bring it down by turning on the air conditioner. If the weather outside is cold and you still have a high humidity problem, you might want to invest in a dehumidifier to bring the humidity down and eliminate the type of environment that mold and dust mites like in your home.
One of the most straightforward ways to rid your home of allergens is to vacuum them up. You should vacuum at least once or twice a week. Pay special attention to carpets and rugs that have lots of fibers for allergens to settle into, as well as heating and air conditioning grates that collect dust as they suck in air to heat or cool your home.
Some vacuums have HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance) filters, the same kind that are used in many air conditioners. These vacuums are especially good at trapping the particles that other vacuums can kick up or release back into the air.
Want to learn more? Give us a call at 800-994-2577. Also, connect with us on Facebook!