Pre-Summer Air Conditioning Maintenance

HVAC plus handWhen the sun shines and the weather warms up, it is nice to get the first few glimpses of the coming summer. It’s also a good reminder to do some maintenance checks on your air conditioning system to ensure that it’s ready to go when things really start to heat up in your town. Here are a three things you can do to ensure that your system is working properly.

Check your air filters. Checking and changing (if necessary) the air filters in your air conditioning system should be done about once a month. Dirty or clogged filters will reduce the efficiency of your system as well as create potential for damage to your equipment.

Inspect and clean the condensate drain and any dirty coils. A blockage in the condensate drain can cause higher levels of humidity in your home and could possibly lead to water damage. Dirty evaporator and condensing coils can shorten the lifespan of your system by causing it to work harder over its lifetime.

Clear debris. Grass, leaves, plants, weeds or any other type of debris near the outdoor condensing use can sometimes shift and lead to blockage. It is wise to take a look every so often and make sure the area immediately surrounding the unit is completely free of debris.

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