Clothes Dryers Now Certified by Energy Star

If you are part of the 80% of Americans who own a clothes dryer in your home – take a look at this.
Energy Star, the most widely recognized champion for energy efficient appliances in the world, just announced the release of over 40 new models of energy efficient, certified clothes dryers. The U.S. Department of Energy, washer/dryer manufacturers, retail stores, and environmental groups all throughout the U.S. collaborated in the design and creation of these new and improved energy efficient appliances. This breakthrough could not have come at a better time, especially since clothes dryers have steadily been replacing refrigerators as the #1 energy-consuming household appliances over the last thirty years.
Certainly, these newly released, certified clothes dryers can be a little bit pricey, costing about $600 more than their less environmentally-friendly counterparts. However, utility incentives and rebates funded by the government help make these appliances more affordable.
Not only are these enhanced dryers better for the environment, but they also help consumers to save money in the long run. For example, a standard dryer costs about $100 per year to operate, whereas an Energy Star-certified dryer costs only $75 per year. These clothes dryers also come with all the trimmings: moisture sensing technology that automatically turns off the dryer once the clothes are dry, steam cycles that help prevent pesky wrinkles in clothing, and heat pumps that recycle unused heat – thus saving money and energy while also making dryer ducts unnecessary.
So, if you want more green in your wallet, or simply want a greener home, then keep your eye out for the newest home appliance bearing the Energy Star label.
If you would like to learn more about making your home energy efficient, contact us at 1-800-994-2577.