Benefits of a Blower Door Test
Making your home more efficient can pay off in a big way over time. There are many different tests we run to test the efficiency of a home. One of those is a blower door test.
A blower door test will find all the places that a home is leaking air. There are often a lot of small leaks in a home. They could be around doors, windows, electrical outlets, or vents. While a small air leak might not seem like that big of a deal, when you add them all up, it’s like leaving a window open all the time. This can have a huge impact on how much you have to run your heater or air conditioner.
Once we know the results of the blower door test, we can then figure out how to seal all of the holes. The best part about this is that once the air leaks are sealed, you can expect to see a reduction in your energy bills! It’s essentially one of the rare services of any kind that can pay for itself and then some.
To learn more about a blower door test, please watch this video we put together.