5 Ways to Save Money on Cooling this Summer

orange county air conditioning, air conditioning repair orange county, alps air conditioning

orange county air conditioning, air conditioning repair orange county, alps air conditioningSummer has unofficially started, which means the weather is getting warmer and it’s time to turn your AC unit on.  Unfortunately, for most Southern Californians, your AC unit ends up significantly increasing your energy bills during the months you run it.  Because of that, we would like to share five ways to save money on cooling this summer.

Tune up your HVAC equipment regularly

Getting a yearly tune up for your HVAC system can help it last a lot longer.  In addition, it will help maintain the efficiency of the unit during those years.  Getting a tune up is relatively inexpensive when compared to the cost of running an inefficient HVAC system or having to replace it altogether.

Change your air filter at least every three months

Changing your air filter is one of the most simple, yet most important ways to maintain your HVAC system.  Check your air filter regularly and if it looks dirty, change it, at least once every three months. A dirty filter can wreak havoc on an HVAC system, which can end up costing you thousands to repair or replace.

Seal your heating and cooling ducts

It’s one thing to have an efficient HVAC system, it’s another to make sure that efficiency makes it into the home.  If your ducts are leaking air into the attic, you are basically leaking money into the attic with it.  Not only is it important that they are sealed, but they need to be properly insulated as well.  Temperatures in attics can easily reach over 100 degrees during the summer.  If your ducts are properly insulated, that will warm up the air before it even gets inside your home, where you need the cool air the most.

Use a programmable thermostat

A programmable thermostat is a relatively inexpensive investment for the amount of savings it can create.  Program your thermostat to be 5-10 degrees warmer while you are at work.  You will save money and it won’t affect your comfort at all while you are home.

Install energy efficient heating and cooling equipment

Regardless of your programmable thermostat, sealed and insulated ducts, clean air filters and properly maintained equipment, if your HVAC system is old or inefficient to begin with, you are going to be spending a lot of extra money on cooling your home this summer.  If your AC unit is 10 or more years old, it’s probably time to have it checked out.  With a lot of rebates available and the money you will save on energy bills in the future, the actual cost is pretty minimal.

If you need someone to tune up your AC unit or see if it’s worth replacing, give us a call at 800-994-2577.  We would love to hear from you!