At-Home HVAC Projects to Avoid at All Costs

After escaping the confines of apartment life, many new homeowners will search the Internet for home improvement ideas.
But owning a home means it’s more important than ever to stay on budget. Some may try their hand at DIY projects to keep the cost of home improvement low. But, many new homeowners don’t realize that some projects could do more harm than good.
Air Balancing at Home
Air balancing is simple, right? To adjust the amount of treated air in a room, just open/close your air vents? Wrong!
While this will change the amount of air that enters the room, it may cause your system to run inefficiently. Your air-conditioner has not been properly instructed to work differently, so the unit will continue to blow air through the closed vent. This will cause your unit to overwork its motor and shorten the lifespan of the overall system.
Since replacing the entire system is very expensive, you may want to consider having your home properly zoned by a trained technician. This will ensure that your system is running properly, and that temperatures are consistent from room to room.
Let Your A/C Be Free
Some homeowners will construct their own protective covers for outdoor HVAC units using plastic bags and tarps. This won’t hurt the HVAC system, right? Wrong!
While many homeowners may be afraid that water/debris can do damage to expensive condenser parts, it is more important for your system to have some freedom. The condenser needs access to enough air to cool the refrigerant. Without proper breathing room, the motor will quickly burn out.
Instead, check out condenser covers that are designed to fit your specific unit online or at your local home improvement store. The best covers usually have a latticework pattern that allows for breathing, while protecting your system from debris.
Filters are Your Friends
Air filters aren’t important, right? They can be changed whenever you remember. Wrong!
Air filters are an integral part of your HVAC system. It is very important to always keep them in excellent condition and to replace every few months. Some homeowners try to ‘blow out’ their filters with vacuums or air compressors to save money. While the filter may look clean, it isn’t. Microscopic dust and dirt can quickly turn into aggressive mold.
Avoid an expensive mold removal or system failure by regularly changing your air filters. Mark your calendar or set a reminder on your phone at the change of each season to change the filter or schedule a cleaning.
It is easy to think that the quick fix we see online can be completed in our own homes. But don’t make a costly mistake! Before starting a DIY task on your HVAC system, do your research or call one of the trusted technicians at ALPS HVAC to ask whether or not your plan is worth it.
And, if you are already stuck, don’t worry—we are here for you. Call us at 800-994-2577 today!